Guaranteed excellent quality

Our collection is known as a reliable business in the field of selling high quality saffron. And this assures you that the saffron you buy from us is of excellent quality and high properties.


Reasonable and competitive price

Our business offers saffron at a reasonable price. By comparing prices in the market, you can find out the price difference between our business and other collections and make a better choice.


Brilliant record

Our business has a long history and experience in saffron business, this issue can give you more confidence about the quality of saffron supplied.


Fast delivery to location

Your order will be sent to your place as soon as possible. You can order the product you want from anywhere in our country.

About Asef business

Asef Trading is at the service of dear customers with the wholesale sale of saffron. Our main goal is to get 100% satisfaction of our customers. To achieve this goal, we have tried to offer the highest quality products at the most reasonable price. Our products are offered to our customers at reasonable prices. By comparing the prices in the market, you can see the price difference between the merchants and finally make a better choice.

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